

Shining a Light on Bioluminescence: An Open Ocean Exploration

Shining a Light on Bioluminescence: An Open Ocean Exploration

The natural world is full of weird and wonderful creatures – carnivorous plants, flowers that smell of rotting meat, fish that fly and spiders that eat their lovers. However, the coolest organisms can be found in the dark crevices of the ocean. This secluded world features an abundance of extreme adaptations, one of which is bioluminescence.

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day

Studies have shown that by 2050 around 66% of humanity will be living in urban areas. As development rapidly expands and demand for land increases, wetlands and other important ecosystems are susceptible to further degradation.

When left alone, wetlands can actually improve the quality of city living; here are 6 things that wetlands do for us: